How to set up a website like this


Describe how to set up a website/statically generated microblog like this one, which is essentially


Github pages (HTML only) with Jekyll is super simple to set up, but the themes and the basic built-in stuff is relatively limited and Minimal-mistakes is a good theme to add a bunch of extra stuff to your website/microblog/whatever you want to call it.


Jekyll is like a build system, which “put’s it all together” and generates the static .html pages, so Jekyll’s documentation is what you should most probably be reading.


Liquid is the template language, which ties the data from the Jekyll to the webpages. Liquid is applied independently to both .md and .html files. It is nicely explained in the docs.

Configuration file

Probably the most important thing about Jekyll is the _config.yml. A lot of things can be controlled from there.

I am not sure if a Gemfile should be uploaded in your GitHub pages repo. Since Jekyll is a Ruby app, it might be needed, but I am definitely not sure about it. It might only be needed if you want to use plugins.

Previewing the website locally

You can “build” (i.e. generate) your site locally following the instructions in the Jekyll docs.

I use these command line options when writing posts and fiddling with the website (livereload is the good stuff).

jekyll serve --drafts --incremental --livereload


To get the Minimal-mistakes theme running with your GitHub pages, just copy the _config.yml (link to raw file) from the Minimal-mistakes GitHub repo to your GitHub pages repo, and make sure you uncomment remote_theme : "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes". This _config.yml file is in sync with the Minimal-mistakes docs and it is a good idea to go trough it quickly.

Alternatively, you could fork the Minimal-mistakes repo and add your contents with theme : "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes" (instead of remote_theme) in _config.yml.

Front matter

I somehow missed this and it caused a lot of problems: Front matter is a way to add metadata and/or commands to Jekyll how to render the page. Front matter looks like this:

title: "How to set up a website like this"
categories: tutorial
layout: post

It has to

  • be at the beginning of the file;
  • start with the line containing --- and nothing else,
  • which is followed by key value pairs (one per each line), separated by a colon :; and finally
  • end with the line containing only ---.

Front matter applies to .md files (maybe to .html files as well - need to check).

Some things I’ve already set up in this page but did not describe here are:

  • MathJax
  • Style sheets
  • Categories (partially solved)

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